Move fast with proven tools and methods

Implement your ESG programs with efficiency and effectiveness. Grow your team’s competencies and capacity. Get the advantage of support from our seasoned experts. Build documentation in proven software designed for regulatory compliance.


Our services focus on the most pressing ESG compliance challenges for private companies, ensuring seamless ESG implementation. Everything is pre-scoped, comes at a fixed price, and is enabled by proven software when relevant. This is how we may help you build confidence in your ESG programs.

- the CSRD starter pack can be done in 3 months

All the preparations and scoping of the task to comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has already been done by us.

We have worked with our software partner, Risma, to develop a solution that is pre-loaded with all 86 Disclosure Requirements and the 1178 datapoints from the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) that companies need to address according to the CSRD.

Thanks to these preparations, we can help you establish the Baseline, perform the preliminary Double Materiality Assessment, and create a Roadmap in about 3 months. Just let us know when you are ready to work with us.


Stine Vestergaard,
Senior Corporate Sustainability Officer

❝ESG Implementation is a trusted advisor with extensive knowledge and experience of sustainability standards and legislation e.g. CSRD and the ESRS standards. They have a pragmatic approach and always ready to find solutions together with the client.❞


Our services are designed with 3 principles in mind each of them giving you a clear and tangible benefit:


Services are pre-scoped against the legal ESG requirements so that you don’t have to pay for preparations and pre-project work.


We deliver the agreed project at a fixed price and within a set timeframe. You avoid surprising on-cost.


Where possible, services are enabled by software keeping documentation updated and at your fingertips. It helps you build competencies inside your team and makes you less dependant on external help in the future.

We know from first hand experience what it means to be on your side of the table. And we offer leading-edge expertise in ESG management

Collectively, we cover every aspect of ESG including strategy, communication, reporting, finance and execution.

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